Stephen Johnsen

Based in Wales

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Stephen’s Story

The Kingdom of God is full of the Sons & Daughters of God. Some know who they are and have accepted the call, and some are still seeking. Many haven’t been told the TRUTH of their destiny in The Risen King. Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life has torn the veil, and Jesus the first of many is the Son of the Living God. Jesus loves every single person in front of you, with more passion, more unyielding pursuit, and more desire than we properly understand. We, as His Sons & Daughters must partner with His Love, be His Love, express His Love to reveal the Christ before all Creation.

I have been called to walk out this Truth upon the Earth, wherever He leads I will go, wherever His Heart is present I will obey. Those in front of me I will Love as He Loves, and I will pursue them as He pursues them. For now, the Father’s Heart has drawn me to serve in Wales, UK as a Son working closely with the Arrington Family. The Gathering Place will be expressing the Father’s Heart through outreach into the city of Swansea, hosting Worship nights and providing prayer for all in need. The Father’s desire will be released upon the Welsh people, adding to the Kingdom every day and increasing its number upon this Land. The Sons & Daughters of God will be revealed to all Creation! I ask for your partnership in this walk, your prayers, your hearts, and your thoughts as I go out and serve our King! Thank you and Bless you, Amen!

Nation of impact: Wales

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