About The Refinery
The Refinery Church is a community of people in Wilmington, NC who follow Jesus and have a burning passion for God and His heart towards our friends, neighbors, city, nation and world. Our desire is to multiply generations of followers so that the Good News of the gospel can be proclaimed to all generations. We believe that God has uniquely designed His body to walk together in the fullness of Jesus. This cannot be obtained or accomplished without every part contributing to the whole. Regardless of where you are on your journey, you have something to contribute to the Kingdom of God. Our desire is that you would not only burn with a passion to see God’s mighty works in our days fulfilled, but that our children’s children would experience even greater moves of God by standing upon our shoulders.
Our Vision
We are making disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, love people, and impact the world.
“Pay attention to what you hear; with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you and still more will be added to you.”(Mark 4:24)
To be a disciple is to be not only a learner, but also a giver. We were created to be conduits, therefore, what God teaches us, we are to give to others.
Our Mission
We are building multiplying generations of disciples.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
Our mission accomplishes our vision as we give to others what has been freely given to us.
Our Leadership Team

Mark and Ovella Tippett
Mark and Ovella Tippett planted The Refinery Church in Wilmington, NC in the summer of 2013. They were called into full-time ministry in May of 1999. They were high school sweethearts, married in 1988 and have 5 amazing children and the cutest grandson on the face of the earth. Mark and Ovella are passionate about family and connecting with people. They love to renovate and do home projects together.
Mark has an undergraduate degree from NCSU in Forestry, Masters of Science in Forestry and Soil from Virginia Tech University and Masters of Divinity in Church Planting from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mark was on staff at two other local churches from 2001-2013 and did full-time missions for two years. Mark loves fishing, missions and people.
Ovella has a degree in Early Childhood Education from UNCG. She is also a Doula. Ovella loves to mentor other women, talking about parenting, family and childbirth. She enjoys spending time with her family, crafting, and dabbling in interior design.

Luke Tippett
Luke is our Head Worship Leader at The Refinery Church and has been leading worship for most of his life. Luke is passionate about Christ-centered worship and helps all of us grow closer to the Lord through worship music on Sunday mornings. In Luke’s free time, he enjoys spending time with his family on the Southend of Fort Fisher reeling in spanish, redfish, and tarpon. Or catching some waves with his friends on Masonboro!